Monday, December 7, 2009


In my house, in my life, in my mind. Clutter. I define clutter as something that takes up space without purpose. Take a look around and you will probably notice at least a little of what I speak of. Boxes of stuff you've moved from place to place. Bins stacked up of keepsakes, photographs, abandoned hobbies, broken things, things missing parts, etc.. Why should this matter or be of concern? Everything you own takes up space in your mind. And there is only so much room. We think about our stuff constantly. Where is it, is it OK, did I lend it out, so-in-so broke it. It takes up space in our mind, that is, until we loose it. You can loose things in a number of ways. You can loose it when it breaks and you toss it out. You can forget about it amongst your other possessions. You can pass it on to someone else. It can be taken from you. The reason we are stressed is that we identify and are attached to our stuff. Does this mean having stuff is bad? Not at all. There is nothing wrong with having what you need. And more importantly, having what you need to be comfortable. That is the struggle. Most of us have attempted to fill that need by accumulating stuff. This is how we got all those boxes and bins in the first place. We collected things that we thought would be helpful to us and others. That, in itself, is fine. It is what we do with them when we the need is gone. We are tempted to say, "what if I need it again", or "It's mine", or "someone will need it sometime in the unknown future". In one way or another we will loose everything, so why not give it away before we do. Would it not be better to pass it on before wears out or is no longer useful? Before you or it expire? You should ask yourself if  we own things or do things own us. It is difficult to hit the balance. Which end are you on? Here is a test. Where does your money go? Does it go to the things, or does it go to the ones you love. I suggest that if it goes to paying for the things, you may want to consider how much stuff you really need. Imagine how nice it would be to give the ones you love everything they need to be comfortable. Do something different this holiday season, and simply make people comfortable. Do not burden their minds with more, take the path less traveled.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
                                                 - R. Frost

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